To register for the Scotties or the Brier Yukon Championship online click HERE
Residency Rules
Illness Policy
Women (Tournament of Hearts) -‐ a minimum of three (3) of the four (4) players must be Canadian citizens and residents of the same Provincial / Territorial Member Association. Any free agent must also be a Canadian citizen and may only compete with the approval of the Member Association where she is a resident and the Member Association where they are a free agent. No age restrictions.
Men (Brier) -‐ a minimum of three (3) of the four (4) players must be Canadian citizens and residents of the same Provincial / Territorial Member Association. Any free agent must also be a Canadian citizen and may only compete with the approval of the Member Association where she is a resident and the Member Association where they are a free agent. No age restrictions.
Residency Rules for Scotties and Brier
Free Agent and Residency Policy
Exemption Form - Use this form if you are residing in one province/territory and are requesting an exemption to
participate in another province/territory based on one of the following circumstances:
(a) You are living within a short distance of a provincial/territorial border. MUST BE RECEIVED 21 DAYS BEFORE REGISTRATION DEADLINE
(b) You are based in two locations due to your employment situation. MUST BE RECEIVED 21 DAYS BEFORE REGISTRATION DEADLINE
(c) You are a full-time student wishing to compete in the province/territory where you are attending.
school versus your province/territory of your permanent residence. MUST BE RECEIVED 21 DAYS BEFORE REGISTRATION DEADLINE
(d) You are applying for “Free Agent” status. (Tournament of Hearts or Brier only) MUST BE RECEIVED 30 DAYS BEFORE REGISTRATION DEADLINE
(e) You are applying for a “Birthright” exemption. (Tournament of Hearts or Brier only) MUST BE RECEIVED 30 DAYS BEFORE REGISTRATION DEADLINE
Notice of Entry:
All YCA Territorial Championship events will have a deadline for registration set three (3) weeks prior to the start of the event.
It is the team’s responsibility to provide YCA with a list of affiliated team members, their signed player affidavits, participant waivers and appropriate fees by the applicable registration deadline. In all cases the entry deadline is 4:30 PM on the date specified in the championship entry form. The team entry fee and competitor fees, as determined by YCA, must be paid at time of entry.
Coaches must be declared at time of entry.
Prior to the registration deadline for the championship, teams may amend their entry to change personnel, once again providing the above documentation.
Team Make-up and Alternate/Substitutions/Spares:
Note: If special rules are in effect for any competition, they shall take precedence.
When entering a competition, a team must declare its personnel and playing order. Fifth players are recognized for men’s and women’s competition; however, a team shall designate the four eligible players who will commence play for that competition. If the fifth member is registered as a player he/she shall be recognized as the alternate for that team. Alternate players will be subject to the same eligibility rules as other players.
Every team shall be composed of a minimum of four players and all four players must play in the competition except when a designated player is unable to play because of illness, accident or other reasonably extenuating circumstances accepted by the Executive Committee or its appointee.
The following conditions apply ONLY IF one of the designated players is unable to play as noted above:
a) A team shall always include a minimum of two players from the original team and an alternate, substitute(s) or spare(s). The playing position of the team shall be according to CC Rules of Curling for Officiated Play. Under no circumstances may a team play with fewer than three players delivering stones.
b) A team may play with three players at any point in the competition according to CC Rules of Curling for Officiated Play. Exception: Mixed play must have 2 male and 2 female players at alternating positions.
c) Alternates, substitutes and spares must meet age and gender requirements, be members in good standing of a club affiliated with YCA and must not have been registered in the same event with another team. An Alternate is a fifth player (who must be registered with the team on the team entry form). A Substitute is a member in good standing from any club affiliated with YCA. A Spare is a player from the spare pool, provided by the Host Committee.
d) Alternates and substitutes must have a competitor’s card. Players in the spare pool do not need a card. Substitutes and spares will not be considered as part of a team.
Dress code for Yukon Championships:
a) Teams are responsible for providing their own uniforms. Previously awarded Yukon champion uniforms are not allowed to be worn when competing in a Yukon championship.
b) Jackets or sweaters must be matching. If jackets or sweaters are removed, shirts must match in color.
c) Brooms, Stabilizers, Footwear, and general curling gear shall be in good repair.
d) Anything leaving debris or causing damage to the ice surface will be removed from play.
e) Advertising is permitted provided it is not in conflict with any local or national sponsors of the respective championship
Expected Conduct during Yukon Championships:
Note: This is a summary only. Competitors and Coaches are advised to read the YCA Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy (Section 8) and the YCA Harassment Policy (Section 9.)
a) Junior Men, Junior Women and their coaches must not consume drugs or alcoholic beverages at the event site during the Championship. Violation will result in immediate and automatic suspension for a minimum of 1 year.
b) The YCA may suspend a player (or a team) from further play in a Championship for unsportsmanlike conduct. More severe infractions may result in suspensions from play in future sanctioned events or in future years. Suspensions are documented in writing, with the right to appeal. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes: inappropriate behaviour or language, on or off the ice, and failure to provide insufficient notice to the YCA of changes in personnel.
c) Teams must participate in all events arranged by organizing committees, including the designated Competition Team Meeting, Opening Ceremonies, Banquets, Luncheons and Closing and Award Ceremonies.
d) Players must compete in all games assigned to their team in the draw for an event.
e) There will be zero tolerance for disrespectful behaviour toward an official.
Officiated Events
Rules and interpretations will be taken from the CC, Rules for Officiated Play, and specific rules for each competition will be set out in a competitors’ guide distributed to the teams prior to the event.
For clarification:
1) Umpires will supervise pre-game practice.
2) No player is allowed on the ice surface within one hour of actual game time except for their designated pre-game practice.
3) Teams who are late for pre-game practice will lose the allotted time. Umpires will call the 10-minute time limit if necessary.
4) Teams may only use their own rocks during practice and not those of the opposition.
5) Both teams will use the rocks assigned to the sheet that the game will be played on.
6) If a replacement player is required, the Chief Umpire must be notified and the following options apply:
a. A fifth/alternate player may be used, if allowed for the competition
b. An eligible substitute may be used
c. A spare from the player’s pool may be used
d. Teams may play with three players except in mixed events
7) Mid-game breaks are not optional and are used for cleaning the ice. The break will last a minimum of five minutes or as long as it takes to clean the ice. Coaches may use the time to confer with their team. This break will not count as a time out.
8) Time-outs may only be called by players on the ice. If a coach wants a time out, he/she must signal to the players to call it. Time outs may only be called by the team whose clock is running. A coach and team alternate may confer with their team during any time-out. The coach and alternate of the team who called the time-out may access the playing area adjacent to or at the end of the sheet but shall not access the playing surface. The team that did not call the time-out may communicate with their coach and alternate at either end of the sheet but the coach and alternate shall not access the playing surface.
9) The Chief Umpire may suspend a player until the dress code is met.
10) The Chief Umpire is authorized to make decisions on matters not covered by the rules.